citrobacter diversus meaning in Chinese
- The core part of hpi comprises genes for the biosynthetic , regulatory and transport of ybt . recently , the hpi appears to be widespread in various enterobactia strains , for example , in disrrheagenic e . coli strains , citrobacter diversus , and various species of klebsiella and non - i serotypes of salmonella enterica . now , the research on yersinia hpi in the enterobactia is reported mostly from the vie wpoint of molecular epidemiology , but the structure and function of hpi in these strains is unclear
耶尔森菌的hpi有一个约30 . 5kb的功能核心区,它携带有与ybt合成、调节和摄取有关的基因簇irpl irp9等基因,其中, irpl irp5及irp9基因与ybt合成有关, irp6 、 irp7 、 fyua基因与其转运有关, irp8基因功能不明, ybta基因对ybt的合成摄取起调节作用,天门冬氨酸trna ( asn - trna )是hpi的整合位点。